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From the union of our projects on Professional Positive Psychology and Human Talent, we bring to you…

73 essential ideas for personal growth.

Advice, techniques, practical exercises, and concepts direct to the issue!


Human talent management, ability development, motivation, stress managing, leadership, emotional intelligence, parenting advice, happiness, conflict solution, effectiveness, details to say “I love you”, communication, time managing, focusing and more…


The best in practical techniques for personal Development and positive psychology.

 PDF File (English version)


PDF file will give you:

The advantage of getting practical knowledge in few time, the main ideas have already been collected for you. 



Start with immediate application instead of having to do lots of research and reading.



Develop more than one concept in Human Growth at a time, which may be useful for different life circumstances, this is an opportunity for a wholesome development.  



Finding motivation, positive thinking and a different way to focus on success: Managing your abilities instead of focusing on your weaknesses.


Techniques based on research by published scientific authors, not just assumptions but proven actions, if you follow the same steps, you get the same results.  


The opportunity to train others in Human Development and get the best from them.  


Here are three main ideas from the PDF file:

Please read this s l o w l y, visualizing every scene: That lemon in the image is one of those particularly acid that will add unique flavor to your snacks, your fried fish, or that will even be enjoyed by some people by it. It is true.Some people will take that lemon, carefully cut it and take out the seeds, try an initial taste with the tip of their tongues and oh! Even if they make a frown face, they will absorb it little by little. Just imagine your self doing the same thing.Now tell me, are you salivating? We hope so, because what we are trying to accomplish with this is to show you how a mental image can trigger your nervous system, just as much as a real action.A depressive person will heighten this state because of his or her train of thought is sad. A person that wants success should activate her motivation and energy by mental images created in her thoughts and conversations. A secret discovered by neuroscientists, and that makes totally true the following piece of advice: If you want to be successful, be around successful people. Because mental images you create will determine your mood and your expectations to achieve and get results.


The New Science of Personal Control.

Learning optimism is not about a positive inner dialogue. What is crucial is what we think when we fail, creating a non-negative inner dialogue. To be able to modify destructive inner dialogue when going through a rough patch is the key ability to optimism.

But how is this learnt? It is learnt by doing it once and again, just as we learn how to ride a bike. For example, there is a very beneficial exercise called gratitude list, and it consists in writing, once a week, all the things that you are THANKFULL for. If you try this as many times as you did when learning how to ride your bike, you will see impressive results in the way you approach circumstances.



The Word “but…”

Pay special attention to the kind of phrase or communication that we tend to use. Like this:

 “I know you are trying, but you should try harder”

“I do love you but you sometimes get on my nerves”,

“that is o.k. but what I´m saying is…”

If you review carefully all the past examples, the Word but, is annulling what you said before. In human communication processes, this is really common. So, what can we do? Begin by separating your statements into two sentences instead of using the word but. Try changing this word for another one, like “however “or “and”..



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Eduardo Gómez A.


Heredia, Costa Rica


1 comment

  1. Estimado Eduardo
    Dios le acompañe siempre

    Soy docente universitario y todas las entregas semanales que ud. me hace llegar las replico con los estudiantes pues sirvo algún curso de Psicologia, por que es de gran utilidad para la docencia y especialmente para crecer profesionalmente y como persona, gracias por su esfuerzos de compartir.

    Mario Rodas

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